Thursday, December 11, 2008

First One

Hey, I suppose this is my first blog. I'm listening to Sunset Rubdown, right now. I also intend to finish editing my October Portland/Oregon City trip photos soon.

This is just the beginning. So, to start things off, here is an anecdote which may turn into a short based-on-real-events fiction based off of Miranda July's book "No One Belongs Here More Than You" of short stories:

My stupid roommate has a lackluster sense of timing. Sometimes, I dream of a night when he comes home drunk and falls asleep on his back. Is it wrong that I pray for the sounds of gargling? I crave the smell of vomit lodged in the throat preventing the airways from clearing. Or, instead, could he combust while he begins to choke? Then, perhaps fly into a lake.

I once flew into a lake: I was thrown. A battle my uncle and I for male superior dominance. I suppose since I was 10 it didn't matter much to prove my alpha-maleness... nor does it matter much now; my roommate doesn't matter much now.

When he's out of the room, I throw eraser crumblings onto his side as if it's some act of revenge on my part. I enjoy being naked in my den, but he enjoys being naked and changing in front of me. Now, how much of his change have I collected? Does he believe in magic? If so, can he make a potion that accidentally goes haywire and turns him into a vegetable? Not a paraplegic. A real vegetable. I'd prefer cauliflower because that's my least favorite.

In a large Cathedral there was a block of wood. It called out for it to be chopped; the sounds of the axe crawling slickly down the grain of wood splintering each and every pore of a hundred years worth of photosynthesis. I hurled my arms over my head with a thrust that caused them to ache in the process of gliding through the air in a half chaotic manner most similar to a bee attempting to exit a car window back to the outside world; trazes of movement and air tickled by the thin, waif-like wings. May it be a face of familiarity?

Oh, how the days pass with me wishing for a retribution or some act for me to proclaim "get me out, I am threatened!" I have doubts of my ability to rate things.